I believe that there isn't just one way to explore in the world. The country needs to the development of non-stop, we need to explore non-stop. Exploration is important for countries. For example, exploration can develop very fast to a country, to promote the friendship between the countries and make people's lives affluent in this country.
Candy dong
I believe that there isn't just one way to explore in the world. The country needs to the development of non-stop, we need to explore non-stop. Exploration is important for countries. For example, exploration can develop very fast to a country, to promote the friendship between the countries and make people's lives affluent in this country.
Exploration can develop very fast to a country. I think the country has many things. For example, have a government, economy and nation. If we want to country is strong. The country needs to incessant develop, so the country incessantly develops, just need to incessantly explore. The country needs to everybody effort. Therefore, the country develops very fast with the exploration after.
Exploration can promote the friendship between countries. If just have a country explores, it can’t have a bigger development. I think a country needs to cooperate towards that end and mutually help. Not only assist the development of our country, but also live in friendship with other countries, that didn’t have war. Therefore, exploration can to promote the friendship between the countries, because the country more necessary to peace. Have a peace; there will be a good development. This is conducive to exploration.
Exploration can make people's lives affluent in this country. If the country has explorations, it will develop, so people have good lives. If a country is very affluence, so many people all are rich in this country. The country will give each person many benefits. Therefore, the country won't have wars, because people all have good lives. I think the country there is no internal conflict; it rarely conflicts with other countries. The country has a good development, will be a strong country.
Exploration can develop very fast to a country, to promote the friendship between the countries and make people's lives affluent in this country. We are learned Cabot and Cartier. They are all navigator. There are in order to explore for one owns country. Cabot’s death was in order to explore. Therefore, exploration is very important for countries. There are a lot of benefits for the country.