
Samuel De Champlain - Port Royal

1. Why would Samuel de Champlain want to have a monopoly on the fur trade? Explain in 3-5 sentences. What does monopoly mean?

Because he is the king of French. He tried to set up French colonies. I think he wants to be fur trade's gerent. “Monopoly” means monopoly capital. An exclusive right or privilege. I think this fur trade is only one person or a company get the opportunity in the business or no other companys can compete with them. All things just belong to oneself. This is monopolization.

2. Why would the King want to set up French colonies in Canada? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

In 1605, Champlain started to be "The Founding of Port Royal" It's a small trading post. But two years later, due to he had no enough support from his french backers, so he had to returned to France. In July, 1608, Champlain was to be give up the St.Lawrence, He thought he wouldn't have any chance in the business and in the same time Quebec was be founded. So he took French colonies to Canada.

3. Can you find two pictures of Port Royal, Nova Scotia today on the Internet? What does it look like? Explain each picture in 5-8 sentences what you see.

This is one picture of what Port Royal, Nova Scotia looks like on Internet today. The house is nearby the sea, so it's can proof that there is easy to doing business with transport by ships. I can even feel the fresh air. What a nice place! ^_^

This is another picture of what does Port Royal, Nova Scotia looks like today. People living there are working so hard but it can enrich there life. Their houses are looking so special and beautiful. I can tell they are lived very happy and rich by their dress. I wish that one day I can live in there few few weeks. That will be great.


1. Find 2 pictures of Nova Scotia you like. Explain why you like each of these pictures in 3-5 sentences.
This is what Nova Scotia looks like when the sun goes down, the sky turns red and the city get peaceful. The landscape is totally attract me. I can heard bird's song and people stay in house laughing and talking to each other. O(∩_∩)O
This picture is all about Nova Scotia Ocean Property. The million kinds of rock, the forest and the tempting ocean. Those are natural which you can't buy no matter how rich you are, I like this picture because I want one day I can sit on the rocks and face to the blue sky.

